Tuesday 19 November 2013

Plans for the new piking season

This season I would like to catch a 'twenty' and a fish on a lure. I am also going to blog every session in future and try and put in a few stats on weather, baits, runs etc

Here is a summary of my three piking sessions so far. I've joined a club towards Norwich that has three biggish gravel pits and I intend to do the bulk of my piking on these pits this season. So far I have been three times, for a total of thirty-six rod hours, and only had two bites resulting in two fish. Not an auspicious start!

The pits themselves have lots of underwater features and contours and I'm finding it difficult to know where to fish. Depth varies considerably within a few yards.....one of the pegs is 22 feet deep half a rod length out!

After my last 12 rod hour blank there I decided to have a session on the water where The Bishop introduced me to pike fishing last season.

See the next blog entry (above) for yesterdays frustrating story...

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